Craig Machinery’s History

Our Foundering

Craig Machinery & Design is a hobby turned business. From a young age, Founder Ken Rabeneck took interest in industrial engineering stemming from his love of cars and the automotive industry. He studied industrial engineering at the Allied Institute of Technology in Chicago, Illinois. He joined Branson Sonic Power Company (now known as Branson Ultrasonics) in 1967. During his time at Branson, Ken serves as the Sales Engineer and the Technical and Service Engineer for the Midwest region. He was also a member of the Society of Plastics Engineers.

Craig Machinery Begins to Form

In 1975, Ken Rabeneck’s passion for machinery expanded into a hobby at his home in Villa Park, Illinois. In his free time, he built a machine shop in his two-car garage. After two years, he decided to leave his 10-year job at Branson and moved the Louisville, KY. In 1977, Craig Machinery & Design, Inc. was officially founded.

Founder Ken Rabeneck in Craig Machinery & Design
Old Photo of Craig Machinery

Officially Established in Louisville

Craig Machinery found its home in a single building located in Old Louisville in the the heart of Louisville, KY. The city provided the company with a central location for many of its customers. Ken was able to build up his company while also raising his three children and eventually spend time with his grandchildren. His wife, Ellen, also helped at the machine shop by managing the front desk. His success grew as the machine shop added employees and increased its capabilities. Craig Machinery eventually added a second building for storage allowing the shop space to focus on designing and building machines.

Craig Joins Craig Machinery

Ellen was not the only family member to work at the shop. Ken’s son, Craig, took interest in the company and began to help at the shop at a young age. He attended University of Louisville and received his Master’s Degree in Engineering in 1989. After graduating, Craig Machinery officially became a family business when Craig joined the team. Craig helped bring Craig Machinery into the modern age by introducing digital and computer capabilities into the machine building process. As the company grew, Craig Machinery expand its expertise and size to meet the needs of its clients. After Ken’s retirement, Craig took over the business. Through his guidance the company continue to grow, and he built an office building next to the original shop.

Craig Rabeneck as a kid at Craig Machinery